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Our intention is to create a safe and inclusive event  for everyone to enjoy while connecting dancers from all over the globe.

In order to uphold these values our team has developed the following guiding policies:


LA Summer Tango Marathon organizers strictly prohibit all forms of unlawful harassment (including sexual harassment and/or sexual violence), discrimination or retaliation in any form. No forms of harassment or assault will be tolerated. 

Anyone who violates this policy is subject to immediate ejection from the marathon. Yes, we can refuse entry as this is a private event. 


If you feel that you have been a victim of sexual assault or harassment, or have witnessed such behaviors during the marathon please find / reach out to the organizers of the event - Charles Carroll, Irina Poliakova, Ilona Glinarsky at the earliest convenience. We are always available for you. You can also send an email to  

  • Please try to make an effort to dance with everyone, including unfamiliar folks and those sitting out for prolonged periods of time. Let's try and be generous with our community-building, all-inclusive and welcoming energy! 

  • Please take the time to properly groom and freshen up before coming out to the dance floor. Good hygiene is much appreciated by all. 

  • Please refrain from teaching, giving unsolicited advice or correcting partners on the dance floor. 

  • Please help clean up after yourself! 



  • The use of a cabeceo is strongly encouraged. 

  • When entering the dance floor, please pay attention to the line of dance. Leaders need to wait until they make an eye contact with the couple behind before entering the lane.

  • Please stay in your lane and refrain from cutting across.

  • Please abstain from doing dramatic and dangerous figures while on a busy dance floor. Safety first! 

  • Please keep the flow of traffic moving. 

  • Please clear the dance floor during cortinas. If not dancing, please stay off the dance floor. 

  • Please be mindful of other dancers. We are all in this together and everyone deserves to have a good time on the dance floor. 



Since there is no bar on the premisses of the new venue, you may BYO beverage in a discrete container. 

Please consider bringing YOUR OWN WATER BOTTLE for the weekend to help save on waste. 


Participants understand that images/videos will be taken during the event and may be used for promotional or commercial purposes. Registration implies implicit consent of image use for these purposes. Participants may opt out by sending an email to


We appreciate your support, understanding and cooperation. 

© 2013 - 2025 by LivingTango ®. 

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